Y is for Why

Y is for Why: why digital marketing?

Why Digital Marketing?

The technological era is moving very fast, and at times we barely manage to keep up with it. Innovative devices, software updates, online payments, new social media channels, different ways to communicate – the list goes on. In one way or another, everyone is online now; whether it is to search something on the web, to read emails, to talk to grandchildren, or to upload a selfie, we are all connected. This is why brands have turned to the online world to reach their audience and market their products/services.

5 reasons why your brand should use digital marketing

1. Cost effective

You’ll be surprised by how cost effective it can be to use digital marketing. If you are on a tight budget, or cautious on where to invest your money – you know that by investing online, you will have value for money. Just think about the ‘pay per click’ ads, you know you will be paying only when someone clicks and views your ad – no money wasted.

2. Easy to measure

You can see in real time what works and what doesn’t – which allows you to make changes straight away in order to always improve your brand. There are many different options which allow you to know how many people you are reaching, how many are engaging, which are the days and times that work best and so on. To everything you do online, you have a tool to measure its effectiveness.

3. Target exactly who you want

Targeting a specific audience is extremely easy online. Do you want to just target women between the age of 30 and 55 with kids? No problem, your advert or post will only be visible to those. Targeting has never been so easy!

4. More exposure

On traditional media, once you place an advert on a banner you know that whoever is passing by can see your ad, same goes to someone reading a magazine and seeing your advert in there. Through digital marketing this has changed, here’s how: when someone, for example, likes something you posted on your Facebook page or Instagram, that post will be recommended to the friends of that person, for free. Through digital marketing you get much more exposure simply through the interaction your followers have with your brand.

5. Great engagement

If there is one thing that a brand loves it’s engagement – you know you are doing a good job when your audience engages directly with you. Online marketing has made this possible and easy to do, as brands can build a relationship with people through direct messages, replying to comments, and also sharing the audience’s content. Brand interaction with the audience can make the difference between a company’s success and failure.
The digital era is here, don’t ignore it but use it – your brand will only gain from it.

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