The written word is as mighty as the sword. We’re not good at wielding a sword but we can help to tell the right story.
Each member of the team at Switch will donate an hour a day of expertise to humanitarian causes.
We can’t just sit back and refresh news sites without doing anything to help.

Who shall we help?
Anyone who we can make a difference to by:

Spreading the word about humanitarian help

Collecting donations

Promoting Ukrainian businesses which are making a difference on the ground

Spreading awareness of escape routes

Help to counter propaganda

Any other message that needs spreading as the situation unfolds
How we can help.
We can offer all of our areas of expertise and the time it takes to work on it: Marketing expertise, design, content writing, social media content creation and organisation, and more.
We’re also going to do what we really excel at, bring more people to the table to help out if we can. As an agency we’re used to dealing with multiple suppliers to get stuff done, so we’ll be putting our project management hats on to amplify our assistance.

How you can help.
If you would like to offer time, money or resources, but don’t know where to start – get in touch with us and we’ll help put you in touch with people who need your help.