
Mastering the Smart Display Campaign

For a PPC user like myself, Google is the most amazing innovation the human mind has fabricated, since Apollo 11 and the combination of ham and cheese on toast. I have been known to say that if Google were a man, I would marry it. Yes, I am that committed.

Time to be ‘Smart’ about your AdWords campaign

This year has been no different as Google, AdWords in particular, has launched some changes that affect how you may use and view the tool. AdWords is definitely pushing ‘mobile first’, as is the whole realm of Google, and it shows in their latest products.
Google is, and has always been, very conversion driven. Their new Smart Display Campaign option is no different.

What is a Smart Display Campaign?

When it comes to naming, the Smart Display Campaign is very apt. The best part about it is that AdWords does all the hard work for you (kind of). This is a ‘dummies guide to high acquisition campaigns’ that simply works.
I suspect that the new campaign type is called Smart after the SMART mnemonic acronym often used in marketing strategies, because that’s exactly what this campaign type represents. Let me explain myself:
SSpecific – target a specific area for improvement.
MMeasurable – quantify or at least suggest an indicator of progress.
AAchievable – state what results can realistically be achieved, given available resources.
R Responsible – specify who will do it.
TTime-related – specify when the result(s) can be achieved.
Each segment of this SMART framework is exactly what the new Smart campaign stands for to me. It’s specific, highly measurable and achieves higher CPA results than we’ve seen so far.
Within AdWords, you can find the Smart Display Campaign option under the GDN (Google Display Network). All aspects are pretty much automated for you. Smart gives you the ability to reach your audience anywhere, anytime, and on multiple platforms; with one simple ad guaranteeing you better results for your campaign.

So what makes this type of campaign so kick-ass?

Apart from the fact that it’s so simple and automated, AdWords has stated that advertisers who use this campaign are seeing a whopping 20% increase in conversion rate at the same CPA! Just to clarify, that means that you can achieve a higher number of conversions at the same Cost Per Acquisition you’ve been working with so far.
Excited yet?

How does a Smart Display campaign Work?

As stated previously, Smart is very simple to use. It allows you to connect with prospective customers through the automated placements by using insights from millions of apps and sites. To add to this perfect recipe, your ad is responsive and fits anywhere within the GDN.
If you have previously used responsive ads it’s pretty much the same setup, so that’s a relief. The Smart campaign allows you to showcase an image with text, a native ad or a plain text ad. Depending on the placement location, AdWords will automate which type of ad best fits the selected slot.
In addition, Smart Display campaigns will automate and optimise targeting, bidding, and ads for you. The only ‘bid’ you have to input is how much you are willing to pay for an acquisition.

Here’s how Smart campaigns have worked for other companies:

Case study: Trivago
“Trivago, a hotel search platform, is using Smart Display campaigns to help travellers around the world find hotel rooms that meet all their travel needs—like a room large enough for a family of four, one with hi-speed Wi-Fi for a business trip, or one with an ocean-front view for that well-deserved beach vacation. The travel brand provided:

  • Creative assets: Headlines like “Find Great Hotel Deals”, descriptions of its hotel listings, beautiful images of destinations like Rome and London, and its logo.
  • Business goals: A target CPA and daily budget

AdWords did the rest—creating over 25,000 tailored ads and showing them to travellers shopping for hotel deals. For instance, people browsing a travel blog might see a message with Trivago’s “Find Great Hotel Deals” headline and a breathtaking image of the Colosseum. With Smart Display campaigns, Trivago drove 36% more conversions at the same CPA, compared to its other similar display campaigns. The brand now uses Smart Display campaigns across markets in Europe, Asia, and North America.” (AdWords, 2017)

How can Smart campaigns work for me?

That’s a great question – one we’d love to answer for you. Get in touch, we’ll grab a coffee and get talking about how you can get the most out of Google AdWords.

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