Scaling Up Your Tech Company: Content Marketing Tactics that Work

Scaling up your business isn’t as easy as just finding more people to do business with – that growth has to come from somewhere, and the process of starting to scale up can be just as complicated and intensive as starting up your business in the first place. If you’ve hit a wall when it comes to growing your business, you might be trying to figure out how else you can generate more business for your company without the initial push being an innovative product on the market.

Fortunately, you’ve already done part one of the work that comes with scaling up your tech business: you know your audience. To open up a tech business, knowing your audience is often the first fundamental step, the one that will dictate what will happen next in your business journey. Once you have that background ready, the next steps are figuring out what value you can add to their lives beyond the product.

This is where content marketing comes in. Content marketing adds value to your consumers by using your expertise to generate information for them. From blogs to customer insights to sector-specific expertise, content marketing showcases a side of your business to your audience that they might find difficult to see just through using your products.

Here are a few content marketing tactics that work to continue scaling up your business, no matter what business you’re in.

Know your content’s value proposition

There’s a hell of a lot of content out of there, and most of it is great content, and that opens up the next question: why should people read your content over anyone else’s? This is where your content needs to shine. So, before you actually get started producing that content, know what you’re going to deliver with it that makes it impossible for your intended audience to skip past it.

Bite-sized content

As we said: there’s a lot of really good content out there, and it can be difficult for your audience to decide which content they should focus on, especially if your content tends to be on the longer side. While we’re not saying you should shorten your content fully, a summary or a bite-sized piece of content that draws the most salient facts to the forefront is a good way of attracting attention and providing value while not taking up too much of their time.

Build a success template

If you already have an idea of what a successful piece of content does and delivers, this step will be easy. Once you’ve had a good, crafted piece of content already, recreating that success is a matter of understanding the formula you used to get to that stage. Is it a combination of the colours that you used for a graphic, a certain structure for a blog? Whatever it is, identify and create templates based on what a successful piece of content looks like, and then strive to push past that limitation with every consecutive piece of work.

Identifying and setting KPIs will work well here. Additionally, knowing what results you want to strive for can help you build a successful pattern that is easy to replicate for future content.

Vary your content

It’s easy to just stick your content creation in one basket and hope for the best, however varying your content throughout the month has a much better chance of attracting the interest of your audiences. Your audiences might not read every blog post you put out, but varying your content between blogs, charts, polls, and personal opinions will give your consumers a much fuller view of the scope of your company’s capabilities.

Content marketing tactics can be tricky to get right to start with and then easy to replicate the success of once you do understand what sort of content works best, but until you get there, it’s just a matter of trial-and-error testing until you see results.

Using content to scale up your business isn’t quick, but providing content that adds value to your consumers’ lives with no necessary requirement for purchase is necessary for positioning your brand as an expert in its industry. It helps build a significant amount of trust – and it’s trust that will encourage your customers to work with you and to stick around for a long time.

Why it's critical for B2B businesses to create a market of one. [ebook]

This deep-dive is an eBook that outlines the four key areas to escape the commodity trap, and how to recognise when your business is being commoditised before it's too late.
