In the world of digital marketing things are always on the go. Social media platforms get updated, practices you thought were indispensable now lay abandoned, and last year’s “top tips” are today’s “biggest mistakes”. There are however, those blog posts which are timeless. The information they provide is insightful and will always be relevant.
We’ve had a dig through our archives and put together a list of 10 of our blog posts we think are essential! You can thank us later.
1. The beginner’s guide to monitoring the right metrics on Google Analytics
Google Analytics doesn’t look like it’s going anywhere anytime soon – it’s far too useful- so you can be sure that knowing the basics will equip you with the tools you need to figure out future updates and changes.
2. Growth hacking: How to use Twitter to drive traffic to your site
If you need to improve your twitter appeal then this is the perfect post for you. Find out just what you need to do in order to go from zero to hero and really get the most out of your Twitter account.
3. 10 simple growth hacks for your business’ Instagram feed
Instagram can be a great way to interact with your audience – especially if your audience is a slightly younger one. Get people hyped up and inspired with smart and creative posts which will boost your brand’s appeal and drive traffic to your site.
4. FAQ Special – Is your site ready for Google’s biggest update in years?
If you haven’t heard about Google’s Mobilegeddon then perhaps you’ve been living under a rock. We’ll forgive you. Here’s your chance to update yourself on what’s going on in the world of Google and how it’s going to affect you.
5. How to be heard above the noise
From our Office Bloggers series this blog post will give you the boost of inspiration you need to make sure you’re heard above the noise. Find out what it is you need to do to make sure that what you’re saying is useful and impressive.
6. Introduction to Online Advertising – Part 1
This one’s pure gold! We’ve given you a break down of what goes into online advertising, showing you the ins and outs and what different terms mean. Definitely one to be bookmarked for future reference! Check it out.
7. Be Trustworthy: why heart-centred marketing could be your game-changer
With digital marketing becoming more personal and person-focussed it’s important to instil a sense of trust within your brand. If your customers trust you then you’ve got it all. Find out how to be trustworthy and up your game.
8. Independence Day: Why a future-proof WordPress site is the way to go
We build sites to last. We use WordPress for a variety of reasons, but the main one is that it’s future-proof. This makes things simpler for us and the clients. Find out why it’s so important to have a future-proof website and how this could benefit your business.
9. 10 GrowthHacking tips for your next email marketing campaign
E-mail marketing can make or break your campaign. This post provides valuable insight into what you should do to ensure that you’re always on top. Check it out!
10. Simplicity: or how you interact with humans and machines for a winning website
Websites are built to be used by humans, that means that machine and man must interact. This post looks into how to have a website that’s functional but aesthetically pleasing and that will give users the best experience possible.
If these don’t provide you with the information you need to navigate through the digital marketing landscape then why not pop in for a chat?