M is for Mobile marketing

M is for Mobile marketing

Just to make myself clear before I start rambling on about the different uses of mobiles in the marketing scene, there is more to mobiles than Candy Crush and your daily dose of Clash of Clans. Whilst you wrack your brain over when you’re going to upload your next selfie on Instagram for the ultimate amount of likes, people around the world are using mobiles to promote their company and products. This is known as mobile marketing.
There are various different types of mobile marketing that are being used nowadays. The most popular methods of mobile marketing are:

  1. SMS marketing
  2. MMS marketing
  3. Push notifications
  4. In game mobile marketing

SMS marketing

When a company sends you a text message regarding a new offer they are providing or what new stock they have. SMS marketing is permission based, meaning that the company must first attain the prospect’s mobile number with their permission, and then proceed to promoting to them.

MMS marketing (Multimedia Messaging Service)

Similar to SMS marketing, however, through the use of MMS marketing the company is able to send pictures, video, and also text.

Push notifications

A great way of attracting the attention of people addicted to their applications and tempting them to purchase online. An example of an application which uses this type of marketing is eBay. Don’t pretend you were never tempted!
Push notifications for mobile
There’s a very simple way to explain what in-game mobile marketing is. You know when you’re playing a game on your mobile and there is a small advert that you keep accidentally clicking? Well there you go.
Let’s face it, the average person spends more time looking at their mobile phone than looking at people. A company actually made an application that shows you what there is in front of you whilst you text (using the front camera) so you can walk and text and not bump into anyone! So basically – though a bit on the bombastic side, this shows that people are constantly looking at their phones, especially millennials. With proper market research, and an effective strategy, mobile marketing can be just what your company needs.

Why it's critical for B2B businesses to create a market of one. [ebook]

This deep-dive is an eBook that outlines the four key areas to escape the commodity trap, and how to recognise when your business is being commoditised before it's too late.
