
Top 6 fashion campaigns over the years

Fashion brands direct all their energy towards creating original and creative advertising for people to engage with. Here is our favourite selection of fashion campaigns and their impact on the fashion community.

Burberry Kisses – 2013

Dedicating 60% of its budget to digital, Burberry recognises the importance of good advertising in the digital area. Partnering with Google, the brand launched Burberry Kisses, in order to allow customers to better engage with the brand on a more personal level. Burberry Kisses showcased Burberry’s ability to be modern, approachable, and luxurious – all at the same time. The campaign generated interest from over 250 countries with an average engagement time of 3.5 minutes.

Ted Baker’s Cabinet of Curiosity – 2015

In 2015, Ted Baker launched a campaign that effortlessly combined a high-end showcase of their brand with a fun, accessible game that attracted engagement from every type of customer (including those that aren’t their usual audience). Their concept took the structure of a Hidden Objects Game, challenging people to spot Ted Baker products among museum artefacts. Players were encouraged to leave a comment, tag a friend and Instagram their finds using a hashtag in order to enter the chance of winning a prize. This creation proved to be the perfect way to increase traffic and engagements on social networks.

Better for it – 2015

“What do women think of while they’re doing sport?” Nike sought to answer this question through their campaign in an attempt to attract women to their brand. After all, a brand which understands the way you think must understand what you want, right? Through its product placement strategies, Nike managed to sell their products effectively while empowering female women to pick up a sport. The ad oozes empowerment.

Hermes’ House of Scarves – 2014

Hermes appealed to visuals in an attempt to encourage people to purchase their items online. The brand not only developed an impressive microsite with a selection of its best-selling scarves but also designed and created a luxury world representing the history and artistry of the brand. Thanks to this super creation, visitors now want to play with the page and discover each individual scarf. Consequently, the brand managed to improve its brand identity and drove traffic to its digital properties.

Inside Chanel – 2017

Similarly to Hermes, Chanel created a microsite representing the history of its brand, particularly the infrastructure of the renowned Chanel House in Paris. The story is segmented into 12 parts, using audiovisual content in order to portray a holistic view of the Chanel world. This campaign served to pay homage to the brand’s roots, illustrating an aura of humility and appreciation while educating viewers about the brand and inspiring them to be a part of it.

H&M’s Close the Loop – 2015

If you’re looking to attract a diverse group of people, a standard ad won’t do. H&M understood this and created one of the most controversial advertisements of all time, targeting the outsiders of society. H&M represented diverse culture and style throughout its spot, in hopes of convincing people to recycle garments and creating a sustainable fashion. The advertisement created good buzz at the end of the day and attracted people from all over the world.

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