Tepia B2B Communication

Communication Strategy

Client: Tepia
Website: tepia.co
Date: 2022
Services: B2B Communication Strategy

The Brief

B2B can be tricky to get right. Our client, Tepia, wanted to reinvigorate their B2B strategy. The intent was to nurture dormant leads that could potentially lead to new business connections and, potentially, new work along the way.

The Strategy

The strategy for Tepia was simple: put out good, relevant content that would help showcase their skills as both a company and a set of individuals. Although they already had the connections necessary from years of networking, and more added to the list, nurturing and building those relationships was a much harder task.

Part of the problem is that B2B communication is considered in a different lens to marketing: it has to be restrained, sales-focused, and brief, none of which were words in Tepia’s brand book. What we wanted was to showcase the Tepia personality. We started by helping Tepia curate a LinkedIn content calendar that showcased their personal ethos on everything tech. From the ‘Honest Abe’ stream to links gathered from all around the internet, Tepia’s LinkedIn page became a reservoir for tech-related topics explained in a way that even non-technical people can understand.

We also created a newsletter that went out to Tepia’s mailing list, sharing news and the latest blog posts, as well as thoughts from Abe, Tepia’s founder.

The Results

Nurturing B2B relationships is a key aspect of B2B marketing, and with a new content calendar and a LinkedIn stream dedicated to honest and ethical technology-related information, Tepia managed to boost their business, create new partnerships with old leads, and generate new connections.

In our client’s own words, “You help keep us relevant with content. I was making a lot of connections and we had a huge data set of old leads that we weren’t nurturing. You help me nurture these leads and relationships.”