How to Leverage Brand for Growth

How to Leverage Brand for Growth

Returning from maternity leave in 2023 marked a pivotal moment in my professional journey filled with new challenges and milestones – one of them was the opportunity to join Vistage, the world’s largest executive coaching and peer advisory organisation. This platform brings together leaders to learn, challenge, and grow, both individually and collectively. Since then, I’ve been meeting with my group every month, finding immense value in the shared experiences and insights of fellow leaders.

Melissa, General Manager

Every few months, we take turns in hosting a “Member Spotlight,” where a member has the opportunity to showcase who they are and what their business is all about. Last month, it was my turn. But instead of the usual approach in which I present myself and my role within Switch, I felt there would be more value exploring a topic close to our hearts at the agency: leveraging brand for business growth.

What made this presentation particularly enjoyable was the absence of any pressure to present myself or Switch within a sales context. It wasn’t about pitching services or showcasing case studies. It was a candid exploration of the risks we’ve taken, the decisions we’ve made, and the steps that have shaped our journey. 

At the heart of it all is our brand: the key element to our growth.

Normally, I’d pass the microphone to Ed, our Head of Brand, who has a unique talent for articulating our business and our clients’ brands in a tangible, relatable, and authentic way. However, this time, one of the goals was for me to step out of my comfort zone – I am not one who particularly enjoys presentations –  to share our story myself, offering a personal perspective on how we’ve used our brand as a cornerstone for success.

The Human Touch in Branding

The core theme of my presentation was simple, and a recurring one: a strong brand needs to feel human. Without this human touch, there’s a disconnect—whether with clients, employees, or partners. We are inherently wired to connect with brands that exhibit human qualities, making it essential for our brand foundations to reflect these attributes.

At Switch, our success is a direct reflection of the people who make up our agency. We have a team of twenty incredibly talented, driven, and kind individuals who I proudly refer to as business partners—because “colleagues” simply doesn’t capture the essence of our collaboration. Despite our diverse backgrounds and interests, we are united by the shared values that define Switch.

When we think about our brand fundamentals, our team is at the forefront of it: our goal is to make it tangible and clear for every team member to live and breathe it, effortlessly.

Building a brand that feels human starts with cultivating a team that embodies your core values.

When we talk about values, we’re not referring to generic slogans often seen on office posters. Instead, our values are deeply ingrained principles that guide every decision we make—especially the tough ones. 

We don’t consider values like ‘trustworthy’ and ‘caring’ as core because, frankly, if you have to say you’re a good human rather than show it, something’s not quite right. These are what I’d call ‘telling’ values, that don’t demand specific actions or behaviours. In contrast, at Switch, our core values are about ‘doing.’ They are deeply embedded in how we actively achieve our goals and make decisions, guiding us even through the toughest challenges.

As an agency, we frequently encounter a few key questions:

  • How do you recruit talent remotely that fits your business vision?
  • How do you manage a remote team spread across continents?
  • How did you transform your clients from mere numbers on an invoice into long term partners?
  • How have you successfully implemented a 4-day work week?

The answer to all of these questions lies in our strong brand foundations. These foundations provide the stability needed to navigate challenges or innovating in our work practices. Without them our agency would crumble at the first sign of trouble (looking at you, COVID-19!). They enable us to take bold risks that define who we are today.

Our brand fundamentals are the attributes that define who we are as an agency. They shape our beliefs, thoughts, and actions. Typically, we share these fundamentals only with our team during onboarding and regular agency reviews, but for the Vistage presentation, I made an exception. I wanted to highlight how these core principles translate into tangible outcomes, and the confidential, supportive environment of our Vistage group was the perfect setting for this deeper exploration.

Presenting to a group of different business leaders was a refreshing experience. Their insightful questions and thoughtful challenges pushed me to reflect even more deeply on our principles. The discussions reinforced the importance of looking inward to grow—whether it’s about attracting new clients, expanding relationships, recruiting the right talent, or building lasting brand equity.

Personal Branding Exercise

To conclude the session, each Vistage member was invited to reflect on their personal positioning statement and participate in a portrait session that represented their personal brand. This exercise underscored the importance of personal branding alongside the corporate brand—reminding us all that our individual identities are integral to the broader brand narrative. This exercise was a powerful reminder that a brand’s strength lies in the authenticity and alignment of its people.

By understanding and articulating our personal brands, we strengthen the collective narrative of our corporate brand, making it more authentic and relatable.

The photoshoot was a courtesy of Ed, who shot some incredible portraits of each member—keeping in mind the essence of who they are, allowing it to shine through.

The Enduring Power of a Human-Centred Brand

In summary, the journey of Switch underscores a simple yet profound truth: brands that are able to clearly articulate their fundamentals are the ones that succeed at building authentic, human connections. Whether it’s within our team or with our clients, these connections are the true drivers of growth and resilience.

This Vistage presentation was an opportunity to share our journey, offer insights, and inspire other business leaders to leverage their brand for growth. As you navigate your own journey, I encourage you to reflect on your brand fundamentals. What story does it tell about your business or leadership? How is it guiding your growth, your decisions, and the connections you build?

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